Carry On
"That the generation to come might know, even the children yet to be born, That they may arise and tell them to their children..." Psalm 78:6, NASB
My life changed powerfully when God used David Wilkerson, of The Cross and the Switchblade, to help bring about the ministry of New Life for Adults and Youth. Partly because of David’s impact on me in my early Christian walk, and even through his death, I’ve been able to reach people all over the world in the cause for Christ. God started this eternal work before time began.
He has something specific appointed for all of us to do—for you to accomplish—just as He did for those He called who came before us. Since you are reading this, I suspect you are one God has chosen to play a specific role in the saving of our culture.
An exciting explosion is coming for such a time as this, where individuals, churches, and communities will impact and change the world. It has already started. Even in and through death, life is being birthed.
2 Kings 2:16-25 tells of the miracles done through the Prophet Elisha as he carried on the call of Elijah. The anointing of God’s work continued after Elijah died because even death could not stop God’s power. You see, what we are called to do in this life isn’t about us—it’s about God’s purpose and plan to bring a dying world into healing and wholeness through the blood of Jesus. Even today, God is making each of us ready to carry out this radical revival through the power and direction of His Spirit working and speaking through us.
An exciting explosion is coming for such a time as this, where individuals, churches, and communities will impact and change the world.
Do you sense the Holy Spirit guiding you? Are you familiar with Him? Are you ready for the necessary change in your character to be a part of this impact on your home and city?
When God’s people rise and join together in a common goal, caring for one another while reaching the lost and making disciples, we make room for Jesus in our churches and neighborhoods.
The enemy will be forced to pull up stakes, and abundant life will be the only game in town.
Heavenly Father,
I know You made me for good things. You have a future for me, a part for me to play in this life even though I may not be able to see it right now. Make me willing to change my course to reach the results You have planned for me. I will pick up the baton and run the race to the finish line.
In Jesus' Name, Amen.