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Forcefully Advancing

And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.

-- Matthew 11:12, NKJV

From the time of John the Baptist until today, the kingdom of God has been under attack. You are the kingdom because the King lives within your heart (Luke 17:20). Jesus said not to be surprised by trials but to praise God for them because getting the enemies’ attention means he recognizes you as belonging to Christ (1 Peter 4:12-19).

You see, the most significant identity of God in our lives is not a personality. But it is the power of God. It is the manifestation of the power of God that makes the darkness nervous.

You may not experience martyrdom in your part of the world, but you will likely feel the opposition of unsaved family, co-workers, and friends. Change starts in the mind of the individual. You. Me.

We can’t change our surroundings until we’ve challenged our thinking and adjusted our way of doing things.

Then it is up to us, each of us in our individual circles, to bring that new way, God’s new thing, to our world.

Even when there’s tough opposition, you must act. God’s path doesn’t come without its hardships and uncertainties.

Jesus said not to let these challenges get you overwhelmed. Christ has “overcome the world” (John 16:33).

God has not called you to live a passive life.

No, God called you to save people.

God called you to preach the Good News and

give hope to a world that is dying without knowing Him.

You are involved in a revolution; a dramatic change in your thinking and functioning in your home and church. It is up to you to seek the purposes of the kingdom first, live in righteousness, and the Holy Spirit will provide you with all the weapons you need to forcefully advance the gospel in the world. That is God’s plan for the church today. You are the church.


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