Great Faith
Then Jesus answered and said to her, “O woman, great is your faith! Let it be to you as you desire.” And her daughter was healed from that very hour. -- Matthew 15:28, NKJV
God answers to faith. The Lord gives us faith as a key to access Him. Prayer requires faith. You cannot pray without it because who would you be praying to if you don’t first believe that God exists and He hears and that He is “a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him” (Hebrews 11:6).
In the fifteenth chapter of Matthew, the Canaanite woman is coming to Jesus to free her demon-possessed daughter. She is not a Jew. I make that point because the disciples know that Jesus came to free the Jewish people. They try to get rid of her. Christ, knowing He is the fulfillment of the law says, “I came only to free my people, the Israelites.” Now, hold on. I know it sounds like Jesus is giving this lady the cold shoulder, but wait for it. He is about to make a point.
Instead of cowering away, this desperate mother argues her case – “Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.” She is saying, I may be a Gentile, not an invited guest, but I will take whatever scraps you can give me. She knew Jesus was her daughter’s only hope. That is when the Rabbi teaches us who will benefit from His transformational power.
No race or religiosity, knowledge or nobility, heritage or advantage gets to jump the line to Jesus. That all-access pass is given to the one with the faith. I believe, in that moment, the mother impressed the Son of God with her faith, and He moved heaven for her. He is waiting to do the same for you.
Approach Jesus in faith
and the Father will move Heaven for you.
When your faith is connected to the living God, there is a miracle for you. There is a breakthrough for you. When you are convinced that God will meet your needs, I assure you, your miracle is in the presence of God. Your solution is there.
Do you have a desire before God? Have you placed a petition before Him for financial stability? Healing? The salvation of a child or a spouse?
Your unrelenting faith is the key to a miraculous response just like this --
“Great is your faith! Let it be to you as you desire.”
I acknowledge that nothing is impossible for you. No request is too difficult. I am expecting a breakthrough. I am celebrating now – in advance. Thank You for Your Word. Thank You for Your faithfulness. I am believing that You will move heaven for me. The answer is already in Your hands.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen