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Spirit Superlatives

When we are tuned in to what God has done for us, naturally, we respond with contentment and gratitude.

Do you remember Senior Superlatives in your high school or college yearbook? If you were ever voted “Most Likely to –” not only did you have bragging rights, but you had a little something extra to include in your resume cover letter -- unless you were voted “Most Likely to be Late to Graduation” or “Best Liar” or maybe “Most Likely to Forget Deodorant.”

The kind of joy we receive through the Holy Spirit is unmatched, unbeatable, untouchable. It is incomparable, unparalleled, and indestructible. Nothing comes close. It is superlative because it is unaffected by circumstances if you know where to look.

Consistent joy only happens with constant awareness and focus that God is working in everything.

If you are overwhelmed by health issues, money problems, an unruly teenager, unsupportive spouse, or unreasonable boss – whatever has kidnapped your thoughts and sapped your energy, there is a solution. Paul tells us about the solution in Philippians 4.

“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” (Philippians 4:8, NIV)

Consistent joy only happens with constant awareness and focus that God is working in everything. Perspective is key. When we are tuned in to what God has done for us, naturally, we respond with contentment and gratitude; when we’re in a staring contest with difficult circumstances, we become frustrated, discontent, and downhearted. Where is your focus today?


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